Karaoke along the precepts of Islam

Karaoke along the precepts of Islam

Karaoke along the precepts of Islam Japan's first! [Karaoke Honpo beckoning cat] is in line with the precepts of Islam [halal] opened a correspondence of Yotsuya-chome from date Reluctance is opened along the precepts of Islam Japan's first karaoke shop providing food and drink corresponding to the [halal] [karaoke Honpo beckoning cat Yotsuya-chome] to date. The halal (HALAL), was permitted by the teachings of Islam [sound products and activities] that of the general. The company's preliminary study in, in the Shinjuku Yotsuya-chome neighborhood with a new store is often residents of the Muslim (Muslims) to understand, was planning Japan's first karaoke shop providing a Halal cuisine. There are also plans to expand its services, such as fast-Fitr plans and Muslim student discount. Upon opening of the new store, halal audit institutions in Tokyo [Malaysia Halal Corporation] (hereinafter, MHC) from, has acquired the local halal certification] for the food and drinks to provide in-store.

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